
Improving Measurement Techniques Through a Virtual Reality Application for Complex Cardiac Treatment

Virtual reality application focused on improving spatial perception and diagnostic capabilities for the treatment of complex cardiac conditions, particularly congenital heart diseases.

🎬 Demos

Thesis demonstration

You can check the video here:

🚀 Features

Work In Progress - [X] **Mixed Reality**: Add an option to toggle between mixed reality and virtual reality modes. - [ ] **Multiplayer**: Allow multiple surgeons to collaborate in the same virtual environment. - [ ] **Device Input**: Enable importing and manipulating medical devices within the application. - [ ] **Specialist Feedback**: Collect user evaluations from specialists to refine and improve the application. - [ ] **XR Hands**: Introduce hand-tracking for a more natural interaction experience.

💻 Installation


Setup Instructions

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open the project in Unity.
  3. Configure the environment as described below.

Changing the 3D Model

  1. Import your 3D model into the Hierarchy panel.
  2. Copy the Measurement Manager child object from the Simplified Model example and attach it to your model.
  3. Update references:
    • In GameManager and ScaleManager under Managers, replace references to Simplified with your model.
    • In MeshClipper, update Simplified to point to your model.
    • In DicomImageUI, navigate to XROrigin → CameraOffset → RightController → DicomImageUI and replace the Simplified reference with your model.

Enjoy exploring and improving cardiac treatment techniques with this innovative application!